
Chile: Indians reject an Indian Affairs Ministry (The Washington Post)

President Michelle Bachelet proposed Tuesday to create a Ministry for Indigenous Affairs to place more weight on policies affecting Chile's Indian communities, many of which are mired in poverty and demanding political autonomy.  Bachelet said the ministry would allow decisions about Indian affairs to be...

Ecuador Indian group protests water, mining laws (The Washington Post)

Hundreds of Indians blocked Ecuador's Pan American highway in several provinces Monday with rocks, tree trunks and burning tires to protest new water, mining and oil laws. Their leaders suspended the protest late Monday, saying the government had promised to talk about their objections...

Native women’s group elects new leader: Corbiere-Lavell becomes NWAC president in third major change among aboriginal organizations this year (The Globe and Mail)

The leadership turnover among Canada's national aboriginal organizations continued this weekend, as the Native Women's Association of Canada elected Jeannette Corbiere-Lavell as its new president.  Ms. Corbiere-Lavell was elected after two rounds of voting, defeating Marilyn Buffalo and Nahanni Fontaine. She will replace Beverley Jacobs,...